NorthernBUG 10


The organising committee for NorthernBUG10 is: Andrew Mason, Sarah Forrester, Richard Gawne, Sally James and Alastair Droop. Emails should be directed to Andrew at

The meeting will take place on 1st September in The Guildhall in York. The building is located within a 10 min walk from York railway station (saving you a long walk or bus to the actual university campus).


We have now filled the agenda for the day - we had a lot of interest and it’s great to highlight such diverse research (talks and posters!). We decided to go for 10 minute talks based on requests of attendees and wanting to fit as many in as possible. Posters and talks will be judged by the NorthernBUG steering committee and attendees, with prizes awarded for the top scoring. Information and workshop materials for the Git training session are available here.

Poster and research talk marking was completed by the audience using Google Forms. Research talk winner - Ethan Redmond, PhD student, University of York Research talk runner up - Sarah Griffin, PhD student, Newcastle University Poster winner - Zahra Karimi, PhD student, University of Bradford Poster runner up - Richard Gawne, Bioinformatician, University of York

If you have a suggestion you’d like us (or organisers of the next meeting) to take on board, let us know!.

Time Speaker Presentation Information
10:00-10:30 Registration opens and Tea/coffee   Registration available all day
10:30-10:35 Andrew Mason Opening remarks  
10:35-11:00 Alastair Droop Using Git in Research: Introductions and Applications Training session talk
11:00-11:50 Alastair Droop (and assistants!) Git: interactive tutorial Live training session - Instructions & Walkthrough
11:50-12:00 Allyson Lister FAIRsharing: educational resource for data and metadata standards Training session talk 2
12:00-13:00 Lunch break with posters - including submitted by online attendees    
13:00-13:10 Andrew Mason Formal welcome to NorthernBUG10!  
  Session 1 Talks    
13:10-13:20 Eva Caamano Biomarker Discovery Using Machine Learning – Crisis of Reproducibility: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Core facility head
13:20-13:25 Katarzyna Kamieniecka FAIR Data Stewardship in Galaxy Bioinformatician
13:25-13:35 Ciara Loughrey EDIJ and Decolonisation: What are they and why does Data Management need them? PhD student
13:35-13:45 Michael Winter Assembly of an awkward asexual allopolyploid PhD student
13:45-13:55 Sarah Griffin BlobToolKit for Genome Assembly Contamination PhD student
13:55-14:05 Bede Constantinides Hostile: accurate host decontamination of microbial sequences Postdoc
14:05-14:15 Anna White Challenges and advances in bioinformatic analysis of ancient oral microbiomes PhD student
14:15-14:40 Industry sponsor flash talks Novogene, Azenta, Oxford Nanopore Technologies, Source BioScience, 10x Genomics  
14:40-15:40 Poster session break Coffee, posters, industry, networking  
  Session 2 Talks    
15:40-15:50 Josh Lee Redefining the kidney cancer transcriptome through long-read RNA sequencing Postdoc
15:50-16:00 Jessica Buddle Using pooled sequencing to understand evolutionary dynamics in an evolve-and-resequence experiment PhD student
16:00-16:10 Peter Ashton Disease surveillance by UKHSA Industry
16:10-16:20 Ethan Redmond Constructing a high resolution timeseries of a developmental transition with single-plant-omics in Arabidopsis thaliana PhD student
16:20-16:30 Mog Wodring High-Throughput Sequencing of Niche Tubers Finds Five Putative Novel Viruses PhD student
16:30-16:40 Sara Franco Ortega Multi-omics analysis to understand the response of Ralstonia solanacearum reservoir hosts Postdoc
16:40-16:50 Daphne Ezer Asynchronous development: bioinformatics challenges and opportunities when individuals mature at different rates PI
16:50-17:00 Prizes and closing remarks    
17:00- Pub Ye Olde Starre Inne, Stonegate 3 minute walk from Guildhall

What to expect

NorthernBUG meetings are open to anyone interested in bioinformatics or its application in life science research. Meetings are free, and lunch is provided!

These meetings focus on being a user group for the benefit of all. Talks and posters do not have to be a polished and complete body of work, but can be an opportunity to discuss your research with others experienced in the area. There is always a friendly atmosphere, with discussions around techniques, training and education, as well as broader applied research areas.

As well as our core funding from The Genetics Society, we have also received sponsorship from York Biomedical Research Institute, Novogene, Source BioScience, 10x Genomics, Oxford Nanopore Technologies and Visfo. These will have stalls on the day, so there is an opportunity to hear about new technologies, promotional sequencing offers, and the potential for jobs in industry. Thank you to all our sponsors!

NBUG10 sponsors

Sponsorship also means we have more funds for poster and talk prizes, and we are able to offer a small number of bursaries to help with costs for those with caring responsibilities, following The Genetics Society Carer’s Award. Please contact Andrew for further details.


The feedback form was open for 7 days following the close of the meeting. If you have any further feedback, please contact Andrew directly. All feedback is incredibly valuable for determining the direction of NorthernBUG, improving and keeping meetings relevant to members, and for sourcing future funding.


The Guildhall, Coney Street, York