NorthernBUG 5


NorthernBUG 5 will be held at the University of Hull on Monday 9th September 2019, starting at 12pm with lunch and finishing at 5pm. There will be a trip to a local pub afterwards, allowing drinks, further conversation and food if you wish. There is a pre-meeting 11-12 to discuss northernBUG organisation to which all are welcome.

NorthernBUG is a Genetics Society meeting funded as a sectional interest group. Its is of course a user group not a conference so the format will be a little more fluid than just presentations. The meeting will be composed of talks, discussions, and posters, but extended informal discussions of topics and challenges to all of us will be promoted.

Presentations and Posters

As at the last meeting we encourage people presenting posters to also give a 1 minute teaser talk. These are great for those who might not be ready to give a full talk but would like to advertise their topic and get as many people as possible coming to discuss their poster. Details on the 1 minute teaser talks will be circulated later, but in short its 1 minute, 1 slide, and do not try to summarise 3 years of work, just the ‘elevator pitch’.

Talks are mostly 20 minutes, so approximately 15 + 5mins discussion.


Arrival is from 10.30 at the Kingsley Suite of the Canham Turner building. We will have coffee. There will then be an optional pre-meeting from 11-12 to discuss the funding from the Genetics Society and other topics. The agenda for this meeting has been posted on the Google Groups page. All are welcome at this meeting, just turn up. Following the pre-meeting there will be the main arrival, coffee, and lunch from 12-1pm.

Busines meeting minutes:

Time Speaker Presentation
10:30-11:00 All (optional) Arrival and coffee before business meeting
11:00-12:00 All (Optional) Pre-meeting northernBUG ‘business meeting’ (All Welcome)
12:00-13:00 All Arrival, coffee, lunch
13:00-13:05 Dave Lunt Introduction
13:05-13:20 Mark Dunning Report on shared bioinformatics training meeting
13:20-13:40 All follow on teaching and training discussion, and actions
13:40-14:00 Lucy Stead ‘Omics approaches to understanding treatment resistance in glioblastoma brain tumours
14:00-14:10 Chris Collins Intro to Bioinformatics and High Performance Computing
14:10-14:30 All follow on HPC and Bioinformatics discussion
14:30-14:35 All 1 minute 1 slide Teaser Talks for posters
14:35-15:15 All Coffee Break and Poster Session
15:15-15:45 John Davey How to assemble a genome in early September 2019
15:45-16:05 Eleanor Green Big Data Archaeology
16:05-16:35 All Business meeting summary and discussion
16:35- All Depart or drinks (food) - Larkin’s Bar, Newland Avenue, HU5 3AE


Poster Title Person University
Sxl: a candidate gene for sex determination in T. cancriformis Michael Winter University of Hull
unknown Krzysztof Poterlowicz University of Bradford
CLUStard: An automated pipeline for metagenomic clustering using read abundance changes over time Annabel Cansdale University of York
Heritability of heterothermic responses in the wild yellow necked mouse, Apodemus flavicollis rohan raval University of Huddersfield

If you have a poster you wish to display please just bring it. Though it would be great to still fill out the Google form so we can get the right number of poster boards.

The Google form for talks and posters.


There is an Eventbrite registration for NorthernBug5-Hull

Getting to the meeting

The meeting will take place in the Kingsley Suite of the Canham Turner building, on the campus of the University of Hull, Hu6 7RX.

If you are coming in at the main university entrance on Cottingham road then just keep walking straight ahead through the main grassy square. When you go through the last arch and can walk no further you will have hit the Canham Turner building. We will put out signs to help you.


We have parking permits available for collection for the people who have requested, and spares if you haven’t requested one. These can be picked up from the Venn building reception (Venn is the building on left as you enter University main entrance from Cottingham road). Please mention northernBUG (tickets were booked by Cristina Di Muri). We think everyone who needs to will be able to park right there at the Venn building, any other people can park in front of Swale House, which is very close and Venn reception will give directions.


The bus station is part of the train station. There are very regular buses from the station to campus (numbers 103, 105, 5, please check though) and public transport is a good option. Similarly, taxis from the train station are relatively cost effective.

Post meeting pub

Drinks after the main BUG will be at Larkin’s 48 Newland Ave, Hull HU5 3AE Its about 15 minutes walk from the Uni. It serves decent beer, and also food. Its on a bus route (and about 25 mins walk) to the station. There is some, but not a lot, of parking close by.

