NorthernBUG 8


The organising committee for nothernBUG8 is, in alphabetical order: Toni Beevers, Dr Jarek Bryk, Dr Martin Carr, Dora Marcec, Dr Kirsty McLean and Dr Maria Pala. Emails should be directed to Jarek at

The meeting will take place in the Department of Biological and Geographical Sciences, University of Huddersfield, in the Joseph Priestley building south, room JPSG/18 (ground floor, room number 18). The university campus is located within a 10 min walk from the Huddersfield train station on the TransPennine Railway line.


If you have a suggestion you’d like us (or organisers of the next meeting) to take on board, let us know!

Time Speaker Presentation Information
10:30 Registration + tea/coffee    
11:00-11:50 Dr Mark Ravinet, University of Nottingham Adventures in the genomics of non-model organisms: a how to (and how not to) guide  
12:00-13:00 Lunch break    
13:00-13:15 Welcome notes    
13:15-13:35 Amber Emmett Integrative ‘omics approach to identify gene-specific cis-Regulatory Elements Across Differentiation PhD student
13:35-13:55 Nazia Ahmed Understanding the Changes in Gene Regulation in Glioblastoma through Network Analysis PhD student
13:55-14:15 Merideth Freiheit Adaptive sequencing with Nanopore PhD student
14:15-14:35 Jarek Bryk Making your work with R a little bit smoother PI
14:35-14:45 Poster teaser talks Monika Gonka, Sarah Griffin, Helen Horkan, Andrew Mason + extra pitch from Ian Donaldson  
14:45-15:30 Coffee + poster session break    
15:30-15:50 Mathew Lowe Codon usage in Trichomonas vaginalis PhD student
15:50-16:10 Helen Horkan Leveraging Single Cell Sequencing to Investigate Genome Stability in an Immortal Animal PhD student
16:10-16:30 Alastair Droop A lightning introduction to Rust PI
16:30-17:00 Closing discussion + pub session Warehouse, 200m from the meeting building :-)  



Dr Mark Ravinet, Assistant Professor of Adaptation to the Environment, University of Nottingham

Unfortunately, Dr Anna Lorenc will not be presenting during the conference due to a COVID-19 infection :-(


Registration form is closed!


Queensgate, Huddersfield